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Ceramics For All

Ceramics has become a staple at Art Factory Studios! Not only is ceramics one of our most requested mediums for parties, it is also a staff favorite to teach. Through Drop-ins, parties, team building and classes you can learn to hand build and glaze useful and beautiful pieces. If you're interested in ceramics, start with a Saturday drop-in!

Saturday Ceramics Drop-In

Every Saturday 10:00am-11:30am

Our family-friendly Saturday Ceramics Drop-ins are a great activity for all ages.
Functional, whimsical, open ended projects await you in this guided class.

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Ceramics Parties

Plan a ceramics party of youth or adults! Fill out our party request form, choose ceramics as your medium of choice and we'll get in touch to plan your custom event.

Youth Ceramics Classes

We have a wide array of ceramics offerings for youth ages 5-17.

Team Building with Ceramics

One of our favorite team building projects is the collaborative ceramic piece featured in this image!

Adult Ceramics Classes

Weekly Adult Classes Return in September.

Now booking private group events for the Fall.

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